RSA基础解密脚本(使用factordb.com分解n) Friday, January 6, 2023 本文共434字 1分钟阅读时长 tricks , scripts crypto 订阅 ⚠️本文是作者P3troL1er原创,首发于。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处! Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live. — Robert F. Kennedy factordb.com的分解速度很快,解密RSA的过程中我们可能会用到,于是我写了一个基础爬虫python脚本从factordb.com请求数据得到p和q后求逆得到d自动解密c,脚本不是很优雅,如果有师傅能改进,烦请师傅贴在评论区造福后来人,感谢您 脚本 import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import gmpy2 from Crypto.Util.number import * c = 0 n = 0 print(f"[+]n={n}") p_q = [] # 一般来说需要代理才能连上网络,有些代理加速器也不用这样配置 proxies = {"http": "http://?.?.?.?:?", "https": "http://?.?.?.?:?", } url = "" html_doc = requests.get(url, params={"query": n}, proxies=proxies) # 创建一个BeautifulSoup解析对象 soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc.text, "html.parser", from_encoding="utf-8") # 获取所有的链接 links = soup.find_all('a') print("所有的链接:") full_link = [] for link in links: if link is not None \ and link.get('href') is not None \ and "index.php?id=" in link.get('href'): full_link.append(f"{link.get('href')}") print(full_link[-1]) # 从链接中获取p和q for link in full_link: html_doc = requests.get(link) tmp_soup = BeautifulSoup( html_doc.text, "html.parser", from_encoding="utf-8") content = "body > form > center > input[type=text]:nth-child(1)") num = int(content[0].get("value")) if num != n: p_q.append(num) p, q = p_q print(f"[+]p={p}") print(f"[+]q={q}") # 求欧拉函数 phi = (p-1)*(q-1) # 求e的逆d e = 0 d = gmpy2.invert(e, phi) # 用私钥解密 m = pow(c, d, n) print(f"[+]对c={c}的解密结果是:") result = long_to_bytes(m) try: print(result.decode("UTF-8")) except Exception as e: print(result) 运行结果示例 点此订阅P3troL1er的博客! 点此复制分享二维码! 点此复制分享信息! 扫码阅读此文章 点击按钮复制分享信息 点击订阅